Securing Your Software at the Edge with Clare

Discover how Clare can help your business

Ensuring cyber-security
and safety

Advanced solutions to provide high levels of safety and security for modern applications through isolation, run-time safeguards, and continuous monitoring, ensuring a resilient defense against modern cyber threats and software faults.

Containing size,
weight, power, and cost

Integrating multiple software systems on a single hardware platform to maximize efficiency and optimize size, weight, power consumption, and costs for both production and maintenance.

with complexity

A powerful toolkit with automatic optimizations and intelligent machine verification to seamlessly configure and deploy applications with mixed levels of safety and security.


Through Strong Isolation


by Run-Time Monitoring


Through Protected Fallbacks


for configuration

OS Agnostic

Cyber-attacks mitigated


latency and memory overhead

Security hardened TCB
Zero-trust approach

Empowering futures through innovation


17 May 2024

Accelerat at ICA Summit 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Accelerat is a proud sponsor of the ICA Summit 2024, where the

10 May 2024

Podim Conference – Slovenia

We will be at the Podim Conference in Slovenia! 🚀 Join us from 13th to 15th of May