Head office Via L. Alamanni Lotto D/2, 5A, 56017, San Giuliano Terme (PI)
Operational office Via M. Giuntini 63, 56023, Cascina (PI)
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Accelerat is a spin-off company of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna focused on software solutions for safe, secure, and predictable cyber-physical systems. The company was born as a technology transfer effort from the ReTiS Laboratory of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, one of the world’s leading research teams in the area of embedded real-time systems
©Accelerat S.R.L. All rights reserved
P.IVA: 02399380506 / C.S.: 11.887,48 € i.v.
Head office
Via L. Alamanni Lotto D/2, 5A, 56010,
San Giuliano Terme (PI)
Operational office
Via M. Giuntini 63, 56023,
Cascina (PI)